Be here advised that certain food vendors and hawkers at TRF are using deceptive and fraudulent business practices to seperate patrons from their money. "LA FIESTA" Hispanic-style food (Photo, below) will use a "bait-and-switch" routine -- especially at the end of the faire day -- to unload their excess product. The HAWKER (Photo, left) for "Sayaka of Peru" first loudly advertised their CD for $14. When a $20 was offered, this hawker took the bill and walked away without returning the change, saying the change was "for the house". This hawker, it is suggested, is employed by the "Treasures of the Incas" shop at TRF. It is strongly advised, therefore, that all patrons use extreme caution when dealing with the LA FIESTA food vendor or attending the 'Sayaka of Peru' show.
Provided no further incidents are reported, this advisory will expire 30 November 2003.