Based upon Robert Fulghum's "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"; No infringement of copyright intended.
(Editor's Note: the above article originally appeared on 30 August 1998 as a post entitled "ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED AT FAIRE" in the alt.fairs.renaissance newsgroup. Permission to republish this article was kindly granted by Tiernan Zayne Ohmsford, Prince of Sidhe Silvanus. Unless notified otherwise, this editor assumes this article is copyright ©1998 by Lanorne, the duchess of Willow, and Tiernan Zayne Ohmsford, the Prince of Sidhe Silvanus).
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Share everything, especially Elephant Ears. Play Faire. Don't hit people unless properly armoured. Don't take things that aren't yours: that raises prices. Use chivalrous codes when fighting. Wash your hands after you use the privy. Flush? Warm turkey legs and cold Meade are good for you. Live a balanced life: fight some, and pillage some, and woo some, and plunder some, and revel some, and sing some, and drink some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the village, watch out for horses and the exhaust thereof. The term "wench" is never derogatory. Respect the Royalty and mind your "Thee's" and "Thou's". A little fantasy never hurt anyone. Always smile,
especially at children. Remember how much you wanted that rainy day when it finally comes. Always remember where roses go. Red roses mean love and black roses mean death: never confuse the two! Never infringe upon another performer's playing space. Always allow for wing span. Be aware of glamour. Angels have one kind of wings and fairies have another kind and nobody really knows how or why . . . it just works that way. Everything ends, for we are the stuff that dreams are made of. Remember the Joust and the first Renn. word you learned, the Biggest word of all, "Huzzah!!!"
Tiernan Zayne Ohmsford Prince of Sidhe Silvanus
"All the world is a stage . . . and we prove it at each faire"