Having said that, let me identify a few of the lords and ladies I encountered whilst on my excursions, along with their mundane alter egos: Brother Dementus, the Mad Monk (Patrick Carey); Marco Frezza, Magician Extraordinaire; "Mince Pye" (Scott Long, Joe Matzzie, Kenneth Paulson and Paul Ash); Martha Fletcher of the Stuarts (Denise Hurd), the kingdom's busybody baker; Sally Monella (Melissa Blake), Royal Food Taster; the "Salomone Trio" (Maria Costanza, Carol Flamm and Elissa Weiss); Little John (Jared Hoffert); and the "Malone Sisters" (Kate
Schafer and Courtney Gable); our old friends "Shaman" (Brahm & Deirdre Stuart, Chris & Jim Karcher and Kathy Martinez); the "Camerata Cantique" (Sue Parisi, Sheila Fernekes and Edythe Sarnoff); Dott Calm (Martha Baker), who maintains the Festival's "Web Sight" (aye, it be a play on words!); aspiring would-be buccaneer Dolly Hallowbee (Kelly McKinnon); Canterburian tale-tellers Lee O'Connor and Gayle Stalhuth; vocalist/recorder player Amy Fass; fellow vocalist Lillian Galperin--and, of course, even "Merdwin the Mediocre" (Scott Payne) took part as well (of Merdwin more of him anon in this story!).
In addition, as I mentioned, many of the lords and ladies I had met whilst up at Sterling Forest took part. If I have fail'd to mention you all by name, please accept this old mage's most humble apologies...
Standard Disclaimer: This webpage is strictly an *Unofficial* look at the Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival held in New York City, New York in September, 1998. The author of these pages is in no way, shape, manner or form connected with the Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival, the Parks Department of the City of New York, the Washington Height/Inwood Development Corporation, and/or any of the sponsors associated with this event. All opinions expressed are strictly this author's own. Unless noted otherwise, all photographs are copyright ©1998 by Richard Washington.