Something Kansas City has in common with Scarborough Faire is their own company of country-style dancers known as the Canterbury Dancers (Photo, left). They are a warm and friendly group who perform with a good-natured attitude.
One unusual act that took me by surprise was the Incredible Bob. He's a juggler who takes the standard array of acrobatic/juggling tricks and brings the words "audience participation" to a whole new meaning as pictured here (Photo, left and below). One stunt he did included the standard whip marksmanship with a patron holding the target in her mouth. What was the catch? He was balancing on a ball while striking the target!
Standard Disclaimer: These webpages are strictly an *Unofficial* look at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival held near Bonner Springs, Kansas, in 1998. The author of these pages is in no way, shape, manner or form connected with the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, Mid-America Festivals, Inc. and/or any of the sponsors associated with this event. All opinions expressed are strictly this author's own. Unless noted otherwise, all photographs are copyright ©1998 by Frank Hui.