One of the best dressed vendors at MRF strikes a pose for the camera while hawking his wares in front of his shop. From his garb, you'd think he was selling leather, jewelry or drinking horns--but oddly enough, he was a vendor of fine ceramics. Go figure!
Yet another unusual act at MRF! The "Mudman", as I so dubbed him, played "statue" until a coin was dropped into his basket--whereupon he "came to life", silently shaking the donor's hand in gratitude before "freezing" in place again. A young thief sought to relieve him of a coin while I was there. Abruptly, the "Mudman" grasped his wrist--and froze, creating a comic tableaux! Methinks that youngster will think twice now ere he comes to Faire with larceny on his mind...
One of the most outstanding costumes at MRF was this lordly knight, about to clasp his companion on the shoulder in this scene. Altho it does not show well, upon closer inspection you can see that the inside of his cloak is entirely lined...with feathers!!! This was an incredible piece of craftsmanship, along the same lines as the feathered capes of Hawaiian Royalty. The time, effort and ingenuity which went into creating this cloak was well-appreciated by mineself!
"INDULGENCES: Fresh From Rome!". With a good set of lungs, this hawker of indulgences could be well heard over the noise and commotion of the Faire several streets away. It is my regret now that I did not purchase one for meself!!!
This Vyking and lady were carrying on a spirited conversation when I rounded the corner while wandering the lanes at MRF. His horned "goggle" helm, broad axe and baldric make up one of the better "Norsemen" costumes I've seen at Faire...and her "off-the-shoulder" peasant look was greatly appreciated, too!
Yet another of the many body puppets at MRF. The players who wore these costumes must have been a dedicated lot. Considering the heat and humidity of the day, it had to have been stifling inside one of these puppets--even in the shade! Despite that, they were everywhere at Faire, either adding "color" by wandering about or posing with patrons for their picture.
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