Another body puppet at MRF, this time of a knight in (literally) "shining armor" leading a contingent of ladies-in-waiting during the parade. During the day, Ryleh saw perhaps a dozen of the puppets at most--while the Festival brochure credits some twenty-two individual players as being involved in their daily performances. Obviously, Ryleh must have missed quite a few "photo-ops" somewhere along the way...albeit the saucy young lass with the off-the-shoulder garb at the far right of this picture was no small consolation!
One of the more unusual participants in the Procession was this stiltwalker wearing a "Commedia del Arte"-style mask as he accompanies the ladies of the Middle Eastern Dance Ensemble (only one of whom is shown in the left of this photo). His sense of balance was remarkable! Simultaneously at the same time together, he would occasionally quaff a long draught from his tankard while stiltwalking--and never once spilled a drop. Which is more than can be said for Ryleh, even with both feet firmly planted on the ground!
Yet another body puppet in the parade! Although she and the banner bearer appear to be searching the ground--perhaps for an (anachronistic) lost contact lens--in reality they actually had just stepped out from a long stretch of cool shade under the trees into a patch of startlingly bright, afternoon sun. Anyone would blink under those circumstances!
Again, the seller of Indulgences--and the only one Ryleh has yet encountered at Faire. The decided absence of more representatives of the clergy at MRF was most unusual, as they normally lend considerable pomp and circumstance (not to mention the color of their clerical vestments) to all the Faire's proceedings! In this view, the good Brother blesses in passing all the spectators gathered to view the Royal Procession.
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