Looking through the City Gate toward the Wishing Well, where the "Washing Well Wenches" were beginning their performance that afternoon. The "Wenches" (Daniella Dupont and Amanda Nunziato) had an act similiar to the "Fickle Bitches" of Kansas City. Namely, they would select a couple of guys from the audience, dress them up in tutus, baby diapers or lingere, then proceed to humiliate them mercilessly in front of their wives, girlfriends, SOs and the general public. All in the spirit of good, clean fun, mind you. Right!
Here the Faire Royalty and Court gathered for an impromptu (and well-deserved) "stand-up" Feast in the late afternoon, just prior to the "Children's Knighting Ceremony" at MRF. In the center foreground of this view, King George (Mike Libby, right) and Queen Gwendolyn (Kelly Boczek, left) converse with one of the many Noble retainers in their retinue.
No spreading chestnuts here--just pines whereunder the Master Blacksmith (in background) stood, keeping a watchful eye on his apprentices at their labor. This definitely is one of the hottest jobs at any summer Faire: working with hot metal--pounding out a new piece on an anvil--with the flames from an open forge roaring nearby. Still, the mere sound of hammer on anvil always drew a crowd of patrons eager to watch a blacksmithing demonstration--and buy the Smith's handcrafted wares afterwards.
Another of the unique woodcarvings at MRF. This carving apparently depicts one very tall Norseman, judging both from his beard and the style and cut of his helm! In the left foreground, a female player has found a most welcome seat in the shade whereon to enjoy a quick afternoon meal--and take a well-earned rest from the day's many activities.
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