by Richard Washington
But at least there was one image I was only too ready to capture for you, and here he is now: Merdwin the Mediocre, joined by his apprentice, Much (aye, that's the lad's name; please don't ask me why). We didn't have much (no pun intended) of a chance to converse, but we two Mages will no doubt fix that when we meet again at Fort Tryon, I suppose. If all goes well, of course. Anyway, here are my impressions of Merdwin and Much's performance...
...The Cabinet of Caligari...
...The Zum Dum Zh'ing Dynasty parasol...
...The two silken hankerchiefs in the OK fingers thingie...
...And, as always, Merdwin gets the last word(s) in, like the beloved, befuddled old Mage you and I know and love:
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This page created 29 August 1998
All photographs on this page are copyright ©1998 by Richard Washington.
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