Contributor's Page - brief bios of some of the outstanding contributors to Ryleh's Renaissance World.
General Faire Links:
Check out Bryde's "Medieval and Goodies" website, added as of 6 Dec 99 check out the Scribe's national list of Renaissance Faires, Sir Clisto's mammoth Tome of RenFaire Knowledge, the RenFaire Junkie's archive of wonderous Faire photos... not to mention a short selection of excellent sites devoted to the Newsgroup alt.fairs.renaissance and its many aspects!
RenFaire Links: herein you will find not only links to the Official Faire Webpages of the many fine Faires featured in Ryleh's Renaissance World, but a select list of "Unofficial" pages by other Fairegoers, sharing both their impressions and photos of those Faires. A link to Scottish Highland Games resources is also included.
Medieval Wedding Links: being a short list of outstanding sites to help you start planning your Medieval or Renaissance Theme wedding now. These sites provide plenty of helpful hints, tips, sources, guides, history and information on Medieval weddings, with even more links to other, similar Webpages. Happy Hunting - and congratulations from Ryleh the Wanderer!
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