by Frank Hui
Fresh from their gig in Hawkwood were the acrobatic comedy duo of Jennifer Christa Palmer & Ryan Gigliotti, better known as "To The Hilt" (Photo, Below). These two deserve acknowledgement for performing so well under threat of lightning. They even managed to incorporate it into their act!
Another thing new to the site is this beautiful Spanish Water Garden (Photo, Below). It is situated near the Rose Garden and the Chapel. The fact that it had a solid brick floor made it one of the few mud-free areas during the bad weather this season.
There were also a slew of new faeries, such as this blue one resting from a very humid opening day (Photo, Below)...
...And this other one enchanting a small child (Photo, Left).
This page created 16 January 1999
All photographs on this page are copyright (C)1998 by Frank Hui.
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